I've recently built a very simple web site. The only dynamic requirement was having some
parts of the front end editable (WYSIWYG) by an administration area (user and password). Basically, a very simple basic CMS for one user.
SolutionA MySQL database is not needed,
saving to files is much more appropriate for these requirements. Also SQLite is not necessary, as we just want to do only basic operations.
To do it, I've used one of my scripts that meets all of those requirements using only one file (the script, to place in any position, better a separate "admin" folder) + a config file (basic options: array with the list of the frontend component and their relative paths, user and password to login) + FCK editor files.
The script (protected with a simple session control + form to login) basically lists the components and allows to click on them and change the text inside using FCK editor (free WYSIWYG html editor). Also a simple backup system is provided, by keeping/restoring the previous version saved.
It's quite easy to implement a script like that.
To whom may be interested in my version (<200 LOC, made long time ago, so PHP4 compliant), let me know.