Here is a simple script I'm using to copy the latest mp3 files from a directory to another one (ipod shuffle) skipping the already existing files. Basically it's a kind of one-way-sync script for files filtered by mask and creation date. (To run it from the command line, launch it from the destination directory. e.g.: "php -f script.php" in the root of the ipod, or any USB MP3 player)
define('_SOURCE_PATH_', 'd:/documents/Music/incoming/');
define('_DEST_FOLDER_' , 'Music/'); #ipod shuffle
foreach (new DirectoryIterator(_SOURCE_PATH_) as $f) {
if ( Utils::is_recent_mp3( $f->getPathname() ) &&
Utils::copy_if_not_exists( $f->getPathname(), _DEST_FOLDER_.$f->getFilename() )
echo "[COPIED][{$f->getFilename()}]\n";
class Utils {
public static function is_recent_mp3($path, $daysOld = 7) {
return ( substr($path,-1)=='3' && filemtime($path) > ( time()-$daysOld*24*3600) );
public static function copy_if_not_exists($from, $to){
return ( file_exists($from) && !file_exists($to) ) ? copy($from, $to) : false;
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