PHP has two types of comparison operators: "==" and "===" ( and respectively "!=" and "!==" ).
"==" offers a simple comparison of the content of variables, skipping the type (int, string, boolean,...) of the variables.
The following expression are equivalent to the operator "==":
- false
- 0
- ""
- ''
- "0"
- 0.0
- -0
- !1
- array()
- $i // where $i is not initialized (notice generated)
- strpos("abcd","a") // (*)
The following expression are the same for the operator "==", as well
- true
- 1
- "a"
- 0.1
- -1
- array(1)
- !0
- " " //space
Differently, for the "===" operator, the two expression are equal ONLY IF the contents and THE TYPES are the same. The items in both list are different for the operator "===".
Note also these other cases:
- 0===0.0 //int and double : false !
- 1.5===1+0.5 //true ! 1 promoted to double 1.0
- $i =0; $i===0 //true
- $j===$m //true. ($j and $m are not initialized, notice generated)
(*) strpos($str, $search) [manual] returns the position of $search in the string $str, or returns "false" if not. This function is common used to control the existence of a string in another string. To do it, remember to use the operator "!==" !! If the $search is in position 0, the function returns 0 (and 0==false) !! In php code:
print strpos("abcd","a")?"exists":"not exists"; //not exists -> SEMANTIC ERROR !!!
print strpos("abcd","a")!=false?"exists":"not exists"; //not exists -> SEMANTIC ERROR !!!
print strpos("abcd","a")!==false?"exists":"not exists"; // exists -> CORRECT !
Similarly, for the "==" operator, two objects are equal if they are instantiated from the SAME class and the comparison of their elements (using "==" operator, not "===") is true
class A
private $v;}
public function __construct($v) { $this->v = $v; }
Now, read carefully the following line. Two object of the same class are equal for the operator "=="
new A( array(true,1.0) ) == new A(array(1,1)) // true !!
new A( array() ) == new A(array(1,2,3)) // true !!
Differently, for the "===" operator, the two object equal ONLY IF they refer to the SAME OBJECT!!
new A( 1 ) === new A(1); //false
$a = new A( 1 );
$aCopy = $a;
$aClone = clone $a;
$a === $aCopy; // true ! the two references point to the same object !
$a === $aClone; //false ! a clone is a different object !
$a = new A( 1 );
$aCopy = $a;
$aClone = clone $a;
$a === $aCopy; // true ! the two references point to the same object !
$a === $aClone; //false ! a clone is a different object !
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