You can do login operations comparing the hash value of the inserted password with the stored hash value.
How to do it with Symfony 1.2, propel ORM, MD5 hashing:
- db schema: Use a VARCHAR, length must be at least 32
- validator:
- require a minimum length (ex: 3 chars) or (better) regexp validation
- use a widget Schema password
$this->widgetSchema['password'] = new sfWidgetFormInputPassword (array(
'always_render_empty' => false, //IMPORTANT !!
)); - model: modify the method setPassword($v) assigning the md5 value:
public function setPassword($v)
//set md5 password if there is a new inserted password
if (strlen($v)!=32) //if is not a md5 value, convert into it (*)
$v = md5($v);
return parent::setPassword($v); } - To check the login data, use the md5 value in the post action :
The CRUD operations will work.
(*) Note: it won't work if the clear password is 32 chars length.
shouldn't use md5 anymore, google "md5 cracked" for reasons